Having your water heater go out is very frustrating whether there’s no hot water at all or your showers getting colder quicker; it can definitely be aggravating. So what water heater repairs can be made? And when is it better to replace your heater? There are only a few things that can go wrong with electric water heaters and many customers don’t really know when they should have the water heater repaired or replace it. Lets go over the few things that can go wrong with a water heater and when you may have to call a Casselberry plumber to make a plumbing repair:
- Bad breaker: Having a bad electrical breaker can cause the water heater to get no hot water. This can be diagnosed by testing the power to the unit. A plumber can diagnose a bad breaker, but a electrician should be called to replace the breaker.
- Thermostats and Elements: Having a bad thermostat usually gives the same symptoms as having a bad breaker (no hot water). Sometimes you can reset the upper thermostat by pressing the red button but this will only last a little bit before tripping again. When elements go out, usually customers complain of warm water or water not lasting long. When calling a Casselberry plumber, we always suggest to just replace both thermostats and elements when this issues happens so all components are new.
- Leaking Water Heater: If you have a water heater that is wet around the base and heater is leaking, unfortunately there is no way to repair the water heater and the heater will have to be replaced. But make sure your plumber verifies that the leak is coming from the heater and is not a wall leak or piping leak.
Those are the most common water heater repair issues if you need a Cassleberry plumber or Orlando plumber call Drain Genie Plumbing Services at 407-710-0210.

We also service Longwood, Lake Mary, Winter Park, Casselberry, Orlando, Apopka, Maitland, Deltona, Altamonte Springs, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs, Deland, Daytona Beach and all of Florida.