Everyone is looking to save money on certain household bills. You can try some things to lower your water consumption, which will not only help save you money on your bill, but it will help save the environment. Not only will it save on much needed fresh water, it also cuts down on waste water and its affect on the environment. Here are somethings you can do to save. We will start with minor things that you can do, and then things you may have to hire a Orlando plumber to do. Here are some water saving tips.
- Try shutting water off while brushing teeth, shaving, or washing dishes. This alone can save thousands of gallons of water throughout the year.
- Change aerators in sinks to low flow aerators. This can also save a lot of water over the year.
- Check for minor leaks. A warped flapper can cost big on your water bill and a leaking flapper on a septic system is a drain field killer. Hire a plumber to repair a minor leak before it turns into a big problem.
- Switch your shower heads to low flow shower heads and try to limit time in the shower.
- If you have toilets that use a lot of water to flush, try upgrading them. Not only will it save each time you flush, it will also update a dated bathroom.
- Replace out-dated washers. Replacing a old washer can be worth it in the long run. Old washers use a ton of water, while newer washers use very little water and can save a lot of money.
If you want to do your part in helping the environment and cutting cost to your wallet, try some these things. It will be worth it. If you need a Orlando plumber, give Drain Genie Plumbing Services a call at 407-710-0210.
We also service Longwood, Lake Mary, Winter Park, Casselberry, Orlando, Apopka, Maitland, Deltona, Altamonte Springs, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs, and all of Florida.